Building a future
“The support provided to this orphanage with technical study grants for teenagers & primary education support has been a great help for the education & professional training of our girls & boys. It is important that our teenagers build their future by learning how to be independent & maintain themselves once they leave the establishment. The support with basketball has also greatly motivated the girls.” Sister Angeline, Director of Francisca Casci Children´s Home.

“Thanks to the support of the project, I was able to complete the integral beauty course that took two years. I have learned many things that will help me a lot in my career.” Rubi, an orphan who graduated in integral beauty.
Learning to say “no”
“The Project taught me about the consequences of each type of drug, also how to identify daily risk situations. I learned that I can say “no” when I don´t agree with some of the things my friends want me to do. The most interesting part was designing our life project, as I realized that I can achieve many things, so long as I plan them according to my strengths & interests.”
Mirko, 5th grade student of Domingo Savio School, who participated in personal skills sessions as part of our drug prevention project with Fundesoc.
Commitment to life & the Pantanal region
“The technical training & specialized equipment (provided by the Project) have been vital to our work fighting fires in communities & Otuquis National Park. We want to continue improving our knowledge & skills. In the future we want to transfer our knowledge to community groups that are arising. Our unit is totally committed to continue supporting the region with firefighting & also socializing prevention measures.”
Paúl Tomichá, comander of the Saviors Pantaneros Volunteer Firefighters of Puerto Quijarro, whose unit was benefitted with firefighting equipment & specialized training provided by qualified experts of the Quebracho Association of Forest Firefighters of Santa Cruz, as part of our forest fire prevention initiative.
Preparing myself for life
“I am learning a lot in the course, I really like what the teacher is teaching us, every day we learn something new. Last month we learned how to dye hair, now we are learning about different types of hair. I am very grateful for the support I am receiving.”
Natalia, teenager at the orphanage who receives a 2-year technical study grant to study integral beauty at a local institute, as part of our Education Support Project in times of Covid.
Managing forest fires in the Chiquitano and Pantanal region
“The project has strengthened our capacity to respond to forest fires, with training, equipment and coordination with local authorities. It has motivated us as volunteers”, says Paul Tomicha, leader of the local volunteer firefighter group “Saviors Pantaneros” in Puerto Quijarro, close to the Brazilian border and to several protected areas in this unique ecosystem that is threatened every year by forest & grassland fires that also affect local communities and their livelihoods.
Cultural & natural heritage exchange between Bolivia and USA
“The training provided by the project helped us improve our marketing skills, especially digital marketing for national & international tourists. We improved our online tour presentations with better photos and videos of the tourist destinations we promote. We also met experts and people from the USA and this opens new possibilities for us”, Tomas Calahuma, park guard and tourist guide, Toro Toro - Potosi. Of Quechua origin, Tomas is one of 20 people benefitted through this 100% virtual training & exchange project we co-implemented with FUNDESOC in Bolivia & Temple University in the USA.
Making better life decisions (Youth Program)
After a series of dynamic training sessions in Flamingo school, Santa Cruz, where teenagers practiced emotional recognition & control, & learned how to make well-thought decisions in challenging situations, Alejandra, a student says “in our school I have seen several (social) risk situations like smoking, alcohol & drugs, bullying, fights, (sexual) harassment… The (project) sessions helped me improve my self-protection skills, especially emotional control. Now I identify my emotions & I try to calm myself by walking outside until my anger passes… I learned that to prevent & confront bullying, drugs & other risks, I must train my self-protection skills & help my friends do the same…”
The joy of learning (Youth Program)
In 2018, we provided training for 19 teachers & 8 carers in alternative education techniques for children with learning difficulties, along with special support for the children. Over 90% of 18 boys & girls from the orphanage improved their school marks in math & language by the end of the school year. Mrs. Sagredo is director of La Colina primary school in Santa Cruz that attends children from low-income families & a local orphanage. She says, “With the project we have seen very positive results. In particular, the children from the orphanage have improved their academic performance & their desire to learn. Our teachers have strengthened their teaching skills through practical training in alternative education techniques provided by the project pedagogue. This has increased our commitment to working with all our children even more”.
Volunteering to contribute (Environmental Education & Youth program)
“Sharing what we are learning at university with school students & teachers is very gratifying. As future professionals we are proud to contribute to our society through environmentally sustainable actions, guiding the students”, Estefani, volunteer, agriculture student at Evangelical university, Santa Cruz.
Vegetable gardens for better nutrition (Community Sustainable Development Program)
“We have learned in theory & in practice how to grow family vegetable gardens for our nutrition & to generate some income”, says Lidia, a village leader in Tasete, Santa Cruz, who is growing onions, lettuce, beet & other vegetables as part of the project.
Children after harvesting carrots from their school vegetable garden, with their teacher & Maria who cooks for them.
They are growing lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, beets & beans. “It is gratifying to see the children working in the vegetable garden practicing what they learned in the classroom”, says Rigoberto, teacher at Tasete primary school.

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